You are here: Scils > Writers and learning materials needed
Writers and learning materials neededScils is looking for writers.
We are interested in learning materials relating to any aspect of social care, health, housing or working with
children and young people but in response to forthcoming work to be undertaken by us, we are particularly
interested in the following areas:
- Working with a child whose parent is a substance misuser
- Managing and promoting continence
- Asthma or other respiratory conditions
- Safeguarding children with a disability - preventing/responding to child abuse with emphasis on particular vulnerability about disability
- Sexual Exploitation/trafficking
- Restraint procedures including the use of bed rails
- Radicalisation/Hate Crime
For further information contact Eve Harper by telephoning 0115 923 0200,
click here.
We would require a copy of your Curriculum Vitae and references before any work can be commissioned.
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