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07 February 2025

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Terms and Conditions

Legal statements

  1. 'Scils' means Eve Harper and Stephen Kitsios carrying on business together under the name of Scils or
  2. 'Subscriber' is the individual or organisation subscribing for the provision of training materials by Scils and 'Staff' includes all employees of the Subscriber.
  3. 'Registered User' is the individual or organisation registering on the website to use the services provided by Scils.
  4. The copyright in all material shown on this site, downloaded from it or provided by Scils belongs to Scils unless otherwise stated by Scils and may not be used except as provided by the terms of the relevant subscription.
  5. Scils is entitled to require that any user of the site enters a password [and username] provided or approved by Scils before being able to access the information contained on it or to download information or documents from it.
  6. Registration Numbers will be provided by Scils and may not be used by anyone other than the person or people entitled to them by virtue of the subscription paid. Use by any unauthorised person will entitle Scils to terminate the right to access the site and the right to use the material obtainable from it of the individual or organisation whose registration number has been so used.
  7. Passwords and/or usernames may not be used by anyone other than the person entitled to them by virtue of the subscription paid. It is the responsibility of the individual subscriber to keep such details confidential. Use by any unauthorised person will entitle Scils to terminate the right to access the site and the right to use the material obtainable from it of the individual or organisation whose password and/or username has been so used.
  8. Details of the subscriptions available and the entitlement to access this site and the information available from it are shown under the heading 'subscriptions'.
  9. In the event that the subscription is by way of a number of payments or by periodic payments, then non-payment of any amount due will entitle Scils to withhold provision of any material or updates to the Subscriber unless and until that payment is made. The obligation to provide material or updates or any other service to a Subscriber will be suspended during such time as the Subscriber is otherwise in breach of the Subscriber's obligations.
  10. 'Material' means documents/materials created, owned and copyrighted by Scils. 'Material' does not include documents uploaded to Scils by third party organisations. For information on restrictions in uploading content on the discussions board see the disclaimer at the bottom of this page. Material downloaded from the site may under no circumstances be used other than as authorised by the subscription paid to Scils. In particular, the subscriber is responsible for ensuring that:
    1. no material is provided by them directly to a non-subscriber unless that person, although not a Subscriber is expressly given the right to use the material by virtue of the terms of the subscription ;
    2. material is not used by the Subscriber to provide training to any third party, except with the written authorisation of Scils or where the terms of the subscription permit such use. Otherwise, an individual is entitled to use material only for his own training and an organisation is entitled to use it only for the training of its own employees.
    The registered user is responsible for ensuring that:
    1. no material is provided by themselves directly or indirectly to a non-subscriber unless that person, although not a Subscriber is expressly given the right to use the material by virtue of the terms of the subscription ;
    2. material is not retained by themselves when they cease to be employed by the Subscriber or when the Subscribers subscription expires.
    3. material is not used by themselves to provide training to any third party, except with the written authorisation of Scils or where the terms of the subscription permit such use. Otherwise, an individual is entitled to use material only for his own training and an organisation is entitled to use it only for the training of its own employees.
  11. Except to the extent that a specific statement of suitablitiy is made on this site or otherwise in writing by Scils in respect of the material to be downloaded, the Subscriber is responsible for ensuring that it is suitable for the Subscriber's purposes and no warranty as to its fitness for any purpose is given by Scils or any liability for any loss or damage is accepted by Scils as a consequence of its non-suitability. This exclusion of liabilty does not exclude liability for personal injury or death by reason of any negligence on the part of Scils or its employees
  12. Regardless of and without prejudice to any other remedy available to Scils, Scils will be entitled after becoming aware of any breach of these terms by the Subscriber to terminate its agreement with the Subscriber and will have no obligation to refund any amounts paid by the Subscriber to Scils. Such termination will be notified by Scils in writing to the Subscriber within 14 days of that termination.
  13. The address for service for Scils is: Lower Ground Offices, 136 Repton Road, West Bridgford, Nottingham, NG2 7EL


  • General Subscriptions:
    Allowing all members of staff/learners within an organisation access to/full use of the non-public area of the website, and materials in the non-public area of the website for the subscription period. The number of staff/learners allowed access, as advised by the subscribing organisation, is shown above. If the number of staff/learners increases, Scils must be informed and will have the right to require payment of an additional fee proportionate to the increase in the numbers of staff/learners and the unexpired balance of the subscription period.
  • Consortium Subscriptions:
    Allowing all members of organisations within a consortium access to/full use of the non-public area of the website, and materials in the non-public area of the website for the subscription period. The number of organisations allowed access, as advised by the subscribing consortium, is shown above. If the number of organisations changes Scils must be informed and will have the right to require payment of an additional fee proportionate to the increase in the numbers of organisations and the unexpired balance of the subscription period.
  • Geographic Subscriptions:
    Allowing all members of staff from the local authority social services department and staff from the independent sector within the local authority area access to/full use of the non-public area of the website, and materials on the non-public area of the website for the subscription period.

Website Links

Scils is not responsible for the contents or reliability of linked websites and does not necessarily endorse the views expressed within them. Scils cannot guarantee that these links will work all of the time.


By adding a reply/comment or uploading a file anywhere on the and websites you are agreeing that the content of the information you are adding or uploading is not unlawful or discriminatory. You are confirming that you have full copyright permission to share the content and you indemnify SCILS against any loss in conjunction with this content. Any content that is thought to be in breach of copyright or is unlawful or discriminatory will be removed immediately.

Your Data

The following data is held in each user profile
  • Forename
  • Surname
  • Password
  • Email
  • Organisation's name
  • Organisation's address
  • Learning Materials Accessed
  • Learning Completed
  • Other Facilities Accessed
  • The date you first registered on Scils
  • The dates that you have logged in to Scils
Sharing of Data

In certain areas of the country Local Authorities subscribe and provide access to Scils for organisations in that area. Local Authorities can request access to statistics on usage for the area they subscribe for. The following data is shared with the Local Authority to enable the Local Authority to make an informed choice about re-subscribing:
  • Total number of registered users
  • Total number of learning materials downloaded during a specific time period
  • Total number of other facilities accessed during a specific time period
  • The names of organisations who access the website through the Local Authority subscription
  • The number of accesses and information on what material has been accessed for a specific organisation
  • Information on users that work for the Local Authority (for example name, email address and accesses)
Individual users for external organisations can't be identified and no other data sharing takes place.

Removal of Data

If you would like your data removed from Scils, contact us and request this. Note that organisations use the Scils website as a platform for recording training that takes place within an organisation. With this in mind we will always leave the forename, surname, learning completed and link to the organisation in place so that organisations can access historic data.

Emails Lists

There are two emails lists on Scils which users can sign up to. These are the News Desk and Discussions Board. Signing up to these lists is completed at the time of registration. Links are given in every email we send out to quickly remove your address from the list, and there is an overall removal tool that can be accessed by visiting and clicking on 'Email Opt Out'.

Keeping your Data Safe

The Scils website uses a secure, encrypted protocol for processing any data. This is confirmed by noting the https:// and green padlock at the top of your website browser whilst browsing the Scils website.
Scils uses 'Dedicated Server Hosting' to ensure that only staff from Scils and the hosting company have access to the data stored by Scils. This data can only be accessed from the Scils office, or offices of people working on the Scils website, including the network that the Scils server is actually stored on.