To help guide you through the registration process first open up the 'User Guide' by clicking here.
If you have come to the website with a registration number, please enter this into the top box marked Registration Number. This may have been
given to you by either a colleague or handed to you at one of the seminars we attend and is usually a combination of letters and numbers
which are particular to your area or region. Your username and password are the entries that you choose for yourself.
Before attempting to register you can check if the Registration Number you have is valid by
clicking here.
If you do not have a 'Registration Number' you can register for limited access using the temporary code GHJSTZ in the Registration Number box below.
Please read our Terms and Conditions
before registering, particularly noting points 10(iii),10(iv) and 10(v). By registering with a valid registration
number you are agreeing to these Terms and Conditions.