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07 February 2025

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Scils is an independent organisation providing information and learning services to health, social care, education and housing. Our biggest single area of work is the provision of a subscription website which contains:

Individual Learning Sessions:
Learning materials (up to an hour and a half in length) covering a variety of topics for employees at all levels in the organisation with a defined set of objectives and links to qualifications.

Multiple Choice Tests:
Use the website to create bespoke multiple choice tests for your members of staff and record evidence of completion/pass rates.

Group Learning Sessions:
High quality group/taught learning sessions designed for managers or those with teaching responsibilities to download and run with their employees. Some will be appropriate for an hour and a half session at the end of a staff meeting; others are designed to last longer. All come with handouts ready for photocopying, step by step guidance about running the session and clear learning objectives.

Care Certificate Programme and Online Evidence Booklet:
Comprehensive learning programmes covering the Care Certificate, enabling those with managerial/training responsibility to download and run with staff. Evidence Booklets can be completed electronically or in hard copy.

Personal Development Plan:
A facility enabling learners to record the completion of Learning Sessions or Units relating to Social Care Qualifications. The learner or manager can select Learning Sessions, Units or their own organisational resources (e.g. policies) for the learner to complete and view the completion record.

Assessor and Verifier Guidance:
Guidance for those who are undertaking Assessor and Verifier Training.

Manager's Induction Standards:
Each of the 12 Standards are individual learning sessions and each has an on-line or downloadable evidence booklet for completion. The Standards are aimed at staff new to management as well as those new in post who have previously managed other care services.

News Desk:
Key issues/documents relating to policy, legislation, research etc, are identified weekly from over 60 other websites, for example, the Department of Health/Education, Care Quality Commission, Skills for Care etc. A summary of the new information is provided along with a link to the source of the information.

Discussions Board:
A forum for registered users to ask questions or start discussions with other members of the website throughout the country.

Question and Answer facility:
A facility for staff to ask questions with an answer guaranteed within 48 working hours.