"I use the website at least weekly: it's been incredibly helpful for signposting and keeping up to date with quick summaries that can be looked at in more depth if necessary. It's also really helpful for getting ideas for support groups (particularly for keeping up to date re consultation) and for materials for induction standards workbook. I've also used some of the research in training groups. Thank you! The site saves me loads of time having to research individual topic"
"It has become a source of generated and peer reviewed advice and a facility which individuals can refer to clarify their own work and learning experience"
"It has enabled me to support our staff in gaining the skills to be able to work effectively with the service users we support. This ultimately enhances their lives"
"Scils regular emails and links enable practitioners to keep up to date - the ease of access and presentation of the material support learning. I have found it an all round positive support in working to best safe practice within care"
"Excellent resource, saved time, could share ideas with colleagues, up to date information, easy to follow, all relevant info that I require"
"The scils website and newspages are an extremely useful resource. I have used the training materials to advance my own knowledge and to augment other business objectives of our care company. In particular I have been able to advise our home managers to use the training tools for dementia awareness to improve staff knowledge for the homes where dementia is prevalent, but not necesarily diagnosed/registered. It has enabled the staff to have a better understanding of the disease and its effects on behaviour of our residents and therefore how to care for each person individually and with the utmost respect, dignity and care. The news emails are highly informative and keeps me updated on current thinking, topics under review etc"
"I am an HR Officer for a small private care company with about 20 staff and am involved in inducting new colleagues. I use SCILS to find learning sessions that will help support those with not much experience or who have been out of the care industry for a while. I find the variety of learning sessions available is very good and they cover a broad range of topics. I also use the sessions to help colleagues complete the common induction standards to improve their understanding and knowledge. I also find the fact that the sessions can either be worked on online or on paper is very useful. I would highly recommend this website to anyone in the care industry"